Method Of Payment
Payment information will be taken over the phone once delivery is confirmed by a Hewylnn Representative. NO COD'S.
I acknowledge that I am authorizing a delivery from Hewlynn Home & Garden Center. While they will be taking all precautions necessary to avoid any damage to the property. I do understand that in the event anything should happen to the property/materials, Hewlynn Home & Garden Center will not be held responsible. I also acknowledge that unless specified at the time of order I cannot change placement of the delivered product at time of delivery without incurring an extra charge. This additional charge would be added at the time of delivery. The delivery will not be completed until any remaining balance is paid in full. If there is a balance due, a representative will call first to schedule/confirm the delivery time. If this is the case and no one is home upon delivery, it will be rescheduled and an extra delivery charge will be added.